Credit Repair and Home Loans

Most people don’t think about their credit until they have to use it. Take the example of a newly-wed couple dreaming of owning their first home. Each of them has been working for 5 years now, one or both have recently been given a pay raise, and now they decide that it’s time to buy. They start looking, find the perfect home, and try to get a loan. This is when they learn that their credit score is too low to qualify.
Without a high-enough credit score it’s nearly impossible to qualify for a home loan, which means this couple’s dream – like many others -- is stopped in its tracks.
Repair Your Credit, Fast.
If you too have trouble qualifying for a home loan, you must raise your credit score. There are two ways to repair your credit:
1. Do it yourself
2. Hire a company to do it for you, and FAST.
The Credit People has helped countless people – just like you -- qualify for a home loan or refinance their existing loan. Through our unique approach of score-driven results, we improve credit scores for your first home, second home, refinance, and any other home finance situation. By increasing your credit score, The Credit People will not only improve your chances of actually getting a home loan, but will also save you money each month by not having to pay a higher interest rate.
How Much Could Your Bad Credit Cost You?
Your credit score alone can give a bank or mortgage agent all the information they need to not only tell you whether you qualify, but also at what rate, and what your monthly payment will be!
It is safe to say that your credit score is where the buck stops (or actually starts). A typical loan program offered by a bank looks something like this “620 credit score or higher, full documentation showing proof of income, with 20% down = 6% for 30yrs, fixed.” In this scenario, if you are at a 598 credit score, you are close to qualifying for that loan. Just 20+ points separates you from getting, or not getting that loan. (We have sometimes achieved increases like that within just 60 days.)